First of all, I would like to thank you for visiting our website. I trust that you will find something that interests you. I have been at St. Francis now for just over one year. I have to say that it is an incredible parish. The warmth, hospitality, the sense of vision, the sense of welcome, and of course the people, excites me deeply. I am so grateful to be working with such an energetic team of fellow believers.
A little something about myself. I am married to Lorraine since 1984. We have four amazing children and two incredible grandchildren. The joy I receive each day from my family cannot be underestimated. Most of my ministry, prior to moving to Winnipeg, has been in smaller communities throughout Quebec and northern Ontario. I loved small town ministry. But I am now loving big city ministry

(Winnipeg seems big to me). I suppose what makes ministry so rewarding is not the activities, but most definitely the people. People are what makes life interesting.
If I have not already done so, I would love to meet you one day. My door is always open to anyone who wishes to talk. I may not have all the answers but I can certainly accompany you on your journey. If you are new to Winnipeg, new to faith, or simply searching, know that you are not alone. Come and check us out sometime on Sunday. Church is at 11 a.m. Come as you are. No dress code. No need to know anything about the liturgy since the entire service is projected on a screen. Just come and enjoy and experience the wonder, majesty and mystery of our God. Blessings to you and your dear ones.
Fr. Wayne
St. Francis Anglican Church was established on Jan 1, 2014. While we are a relatively new parish, we have a rich history of service and support in Winnipeg's North West area. We are an amalgamation of 3 parishes: St Annes, St. Barnabas and St. Martin in the Fields. In order to keep a solid presence in the area we worship at 253 Burrin Ave and operate a Ministry Outreach Centre at our 730 McPhillips Street location.